Faculty Staff

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  • Alessandra Marieli Vacari

    Ph.D. in Agronomy at São Paulo State University – UNESP.

    Degree in Biological Sciences from the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of Penápolis (2002), M.S. (2006) and Ph.D. (2009) in Agronomy (Agricultural Entomology) from UNESP. Post-doctorate at UNESP (2013) and at University of California (2016). She has been studying the interactions between insects and plants, intraspecific interactions involving plants and insects, the role of allelochemicals in interactions between natural enemies (predators and parasitoids) – herbivores and plants, mutualistic interactions between plants and pollinators, tritrophic interactions, interactions between cultivated plants (crops) and other associated plants, in the evaluation of semiochemicals as a tool in pest control; the chemical properties of plants associated with resistance against arthropod pests and the use of natural products in pest control (plant extracts).

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  • Ana Helena Januário

    Ph.D. in Chemistry from the Federal University of São Carlos.

    The professor completed a Ph.D. in Chemistry from the Federal University of São Carlos in 1995, currently works as a professor at the University of Franca since 2008. She works in the area of ​​Organic Chemistry, with an emphasis on Chemistry of Natural Products. Main study topics: Cerrado plant species (light quality effect), endophytic microorganisms and marine invertebrates (ascidians and associated microbiota) with emphasis on metabolism, biological potential and chemical quality control. The professor supervises post-doctorates and guides high school students, scientific initiation and graduate students. In her professional activities, she interacted with Brazilian researchers from several research institutions in the development of multidisciplinary projects and in co-authorship of scientific articles. The professor worked as an honorary researcher at the University of Auckland-New Zealand in 2007 and undertook a short-term work assignment at the Victoria University of Wellington-New Zealand in 2014.

  • Denise Crispim Tavares

    Ph.D. in Genetics at Ribeirão Preto Medical School – USP

    B.S. in Biological Sciences at UNESP (1989), M.S. (1991) and Ph.D. (1997) in Genetics at Ribeirão Preto Medical School – USP and Post-Doctorate by UNESP – Campus de Araraquara (1997) and Georgetow University- Washington DC-USA (2001). The professor is currently a professor and researcher at the University of Franca, Franca-SP, working in the research lines: evaluation of the toxicity of organic and inorganic substances and materials, through genetic, biochemical and systemic parameters; identification of substances with preventive activity in the carcinogenesis process, seeking to understand the related intracellular signaling pathways; investigation of agents with antitumor potential and of the molecular targets involved, in order to obtain relevant information for the establishment of more effective therapeutic interventions.

  • Eduardo Ferreira Molina

    Ph.D. in Chemistry (em regime de co-tutela) at São Paulo State University – UNESP, Araraquara, SP, Brazil and Université de Paris Sud XI – France.

    B.S. in Industrial Chemistry (2003) and M.S. (2006) both at University of Franca (UNIFRAN) and Ph.D. in Chemistry under co-supervision at UNESP Araraquara, SP, Brazil and Université de Paris Sud 11/France. Our research is focused on polymerization processes for the development of polymeric materials, composites and organic-inorganic hybrids with applications in industry and in the biomedical field. An interest in the area of biomaterials in our group aims to explore materials known as hydrogels with unique mechanical properties for applications in controlled release systems for drugs and pesticides in order to reduce adverse effects on the environment. The use of these materials in the environmental area aims to establish relationships with green chemistry for the preparation of new filters, sponges and adsorbents to remove organic and inorganic pollutants. In addition, research activities are focused on the synthesis of flexible materials and functional hybrid nanomaterials for optical applications containing metallic clusters that we have developed with collaborators in Europe.

  • Eduardo José Nassar

    Ph.D. in Chemistry at FFCLRP - USP - Ribeirão Preto.

    B.S. in Chemistry at UNESP, Araraquara, SP, Brazil, M.S. and Ph.D. in Chemistry at USP – Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil. He has published more than 150 articles in specialized journals and more than 350 research published in the annals of events. Participates annually in events in Brazil and abroad. Member of national and international scientific societies, secretary of the regional ipws of SBQ (2010-2011). Operates in the area of inorganic chemistry with an emphasis on materials. The SOL-GEL process has been the basis of his studies, preparation of new materials for various applications, such as; luminophores containing rare earth ions (Europio, Térbio, Túlio, Cerium, etc.), Biomaterials, Coatings, Thin Films, Rapid Prototyping, Mixed Oxides, Catalysis, among other materials. The professor is currently a professor and researcher at the University of Franca (Unifran).

  • Emerson Henrique de Faria

    PhD in Chemistry from the University of Franca.

    Post-doctorate (CAPES) Universidad de Salamanca (Inorganic Chemistry) – Lamellar and Fibrous Materials). Ph.D. in Science (Chemistry) at University of Franca. Post-doctorate (CAPES) Universidad de Salamanca (Inorganic Chemistry – Lamellar and / or Fibrous Materials). The professor has experience in the area of Chemistry, with an emphasis on Materials Chemistry, acting mainly on the following themes: clays, hybrid materials, composites and nanocomposites, with applications in the areas of environmental chemistry, catalysis, luminescence, adsorption and photodegradation of different classes of pollutants. He has done short-term internships over the past few years at the University of Salamanca, together with the GIR-QUESCAT group and has students linked to co-tutelage in this HEI. He supervises post-doctorates and guides high school students, scientific initiation and graduate students linked to projects that involve companies with applications of materials chemistry with the main focus on adding value to the applications of clay minerals. The professor has articles published in the journals: Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Applied Clay Science and Applied Materials & Interfaces. Reviewer of journals: Clays and Clay Minerals, Applied Clay Science, Green Chemistry, RSC Advances and Catalysis Science & Technology of the Royal Society of Chemistry, Review Editor of the journal Frontiers in Chemistry (catalysis and photocatalysis).

  • Katia Jorge Ciuffi

    Ph.D. in Chemistry at São Paulo State University – UNESP.

    B.S. in chemistry at University of São Paulo (1990), M.S. in Chemistry (Inorganic Chemistry) at University of São Paulo (1993) and Ph.D. in Chemistry at Universidade UNESP (1997). She is currently Dean and research professor at the University of Franca. Reviewer of the journals: Journal of Physical Chemistry (0022-3654), Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Materials Research, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A, Materials Science & Engineering. A, Structural Materials: properties, micro, Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society (0103-5053), Materials Chemistry and Physics, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (0021-9797) and Catalysis Communications. The professor has experience in the area of Chemistry, with an emphasis on Bio-Inorganic Chemistry, working mainly on the following topics: sol-gel, porphyrins, heterogeneous catalysts, and adsorbents for potentially toxic metals, dyes and emerging organic contaminants.

  • Lizandra Guidi Magalhães

    PhD in Basic and Applied Immunology at Ribeirão Preto Medical School – USP.

    B.S. in Biological Sciences Medical Modality (2002), M.S. (2005) and Ph.D. (2009) in Basic and Applied Immunology (Sub-Area of Pathogenic Bioagents) at Ribeirão Preto Medical School – USP and Post-Doctorate in Biological Chemistry at University of Franca (2012). In view of the innumerable damage caused by parasites to hosts, public health and the world economy, the line of research aims to promote human and animal well-being, through the development and evaluation of new therapeutic alternatives for the control of parasites, as well as to study the biology, immunopathology, pathophysiology and epidemiology of parasitic diseases, in order to create new control strategies for parasites of human and veterinary interest.

  • Liziane Marçal da Silva

    Ph.D. in Chemistry at University of Franca.

    B.S. in Chemical Engineering (2008), M.S. and Ph.D. in Sciences (2011 and 2015, respectively – Concentration Area: Chemistry) at University of Franca. She completed a Ph.D. in the sandwich category, in collaboration with the Universidad de Salamanca and Universidad Publica de Navarra, in Spain. The research lines are in the area of Chemistry, with an emphasis on Environmental and Materials Chemistry, acting mainly on the following themes: synthesis of materials through the sol-gel process with applications aimed at environmental remediation in the following methods: adsorption, catalysis and photocatalysis/photodegradation of organic or inorganic pollutants. The professor also operates in the development of biodegradable polymer blends and obtaining activated carbon from waste such as sludge from a water and sewage treatment plant.

  • Lucas Alonso Rocha

    PhD in Chemistry at São Paulo State University – UNESP and Universitè Paul Sabatier – Toulouse – France.

    Professor/Researcher in University of Franca, Bsc in Industrial Chemistry at University of Franca – UNIFRAN (2003) and Degree in Chemistry Teaching at University of Franca – UNIFRAN (2004); M.S. in Sciences at University of Franca (2006) and PhD in Chemistry (em regime de co-tutela) at São Paulo State University – UNESP and Universitè Paul Sabatier-Toulouse/France (2010). Post-doctorate at São Paulo State University – UNESP. Working in Inorganic Chemistry, the main projects involve the development and improvement multifunctional materials for application in Medical and Biological areas. Examples are biomarkers, contrasting agents, nanothermometers, biomaterials for bone regeneration, controlled release of drugs and antimicrobial materials. In photonics area, the main targets are waveguides, photonic crystals, sensors, and luminescent materials. Visiting Professor at Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Clermont-Ferrand – ENSCCF, France. Productivity in Research Grant CNPq – level 2.

  • Márcio Luís Andrade e Silva

    PhD in Chemistry at FFCLRP, University of São Paulo - USP

    PhD in Chemistry at FFCLRP, University of São Paulo – USP in 1999. Post-doctoral research in Pharmacognosy Laboratory in FCFRP, University of São Paulo – USP from 2011 to 2012. Coordinator of 8 Research Projects, including one PITE JP / FAPESP / UNIFRAN – a technological innovation project in partnership with a company. The goal was to develop two drugs against neglected diseases (Chagas disease and Schitosomiasis). Collaborating Professor in the Thematic Project FAPESP / USP / UNIFRAN. Holds a patent against erectile dysfunction (ED) in USA, Japan and Europe (licensed for Bexeley Company for the production of drugs against ED). Leader of the CNPq group “Busca por Novos Medicamentos de Origem Natural”.

  • Patrícia Mendonça Pauletti

    PhD in Chemistry at São Paulo State University - UNESP

    Degree in Biological Pharmacy at FCF, São Paulo State University – UNESP (1997), M.S. (2000) and PhD (2004) in Chemistry at Chemistry Institute of Araraquara – UNESP and PhD-Sandwich in Oregon Health Sciences University. Post-doctorate internship at Chemistry Institute of Araraquara – UNESP. Experience in Organic Chemistry area, with emphasis in Natural Products Chemistry, mainly working with bioassays, phytochemistry, Styracaceae and Bignoniaceae. Researcher Professor in University of Franca – UNIFRAN since 2008 and CNPq Productivity in Research Fellowship holder – level 2. Author of 55 research papers and 3 book chapters until this moment. Advisor of M.S. dissertations and PhD thesis, as well as Scientific Initiation research. Coordinator of 3 research projects (FAPESP) and collaborator of three other projects.

  • Raquel Alves dos Santos

    PhD in Biological Sciences (Genetics) at University of São Paulo – USP

    BSc in Biological Sciences and Biology Teaching degree at University of São Paulo – USP (2000). M.S. and PhD in Biological Sciences (Genetics) at University of São Paulo (2003 and 2008). Post-doctoral research at the Medical Clinic Department of the Ribeirão Preto Medical School – University of São Paulo – USP. Our research is focused in toxicologic genetics. It is a search for the understanding about the DNA damage-signaling pathways at cellular and molecular levels, which can be used as target for the development of new therapeutic agents. Damages to DNA as reaction to the treatment with organic or inorganic compounds are also evaluated according to OECD recommendations. Also linked to toxicologic genetics, the other research interests are physical and chemical exposure and other conditions related to genomic stability loss processes.

  • Renato Luis Tame Parreira

    PhD in Chemistry at FFCLRP, University of São Paulo – USP

    BSc in Chemistry at FFCLRP, University of São Paulo – USP (1999) M.S. (2001) and PhD (2006) in Chemistry at FFCLRP, University of São Paulo – USP. During the post-doctoral research (FFCLRP-USP) developed a project for the theoretical and experimental study of lithium micro-batteries and fuel cells for energy conversion and storage. Attended a short-term internship at Philipps-Universität Marburg, Fachbereich Chemie (under supervision of Prof. Dr. Gernot Frenking) in Germany. Experience in Theoretical Chemistry area, with emphasis in studies about structure, electronic properties and nature of chemical bonds and interactions in molecular and supramolecular systems. Coordinator of PIPE and Young Researcher-FAPESP projects, and of the project “Exploring wet-chemistry of functionalized carbon nanomaterials using DFT Theory”, into the Special Visitor Researcher Programme – PVE-CAPES.

  • Rodrigo Cassio Sola Veneziani

    PhD in Chemistry at FFCLRP, University of São Paulo – USP

    Degree in Pharmaeutical Sciences at University of São Paulo – USP (1994), M.S. in Chemistry at University of São Paulo – USP (1997) and PhD in Chemistry at University of São Paulo – USP (2001). Experience in areas of Chemistry and Pharmacy, with emphasis in Natural Products. Nowadays, the researches are focused in phytochemistry (specially diterpenes), in biological assays and in the development of formulations and analytical methodologies. Currently the vice-coordinator of the Science post-graduation Programme – University of Franca – UNIFRAN.

  • Sérgio Ricardo Ambrosio

    PhD in Chemistry at FFCLRP, University of São Paulo – USP

    Graduated as a Pharmacist at FCFRP – University of São Paulo – USP, M.S. and PhD at FFCLRP – University of São Paulo – USP. Currently coordinator of the Science post-graduation Programme – University of Franca – UNIFAN. Develops research in Natural Products Chemistry area, mainly in the following topics: Isolation, purification, structural assignments, analytical studies, biological assays and biotransformation of bioactive secondary metabolites from plants.

  • Vladimir Constantino Gomes Heleno

    PhD in Chemistry at FFCLRP, University of São Paulo - USP

    Graduated as BSc in Chemistry (1994) and Degree in Chemistry Teaching (1995) at FFCLRP – University of São Paulo – USP. M.S. (1999) and PhD (2005) in Chemistry at FFCLRP – University of São Paulo – USP. Held a post-doctoral internship (2005-2007) at the Department of Chemistry at Federal University of São Carlos – UFSCar. The research interests are focused on the structural modification of natural products in the search for active compounds and on the complete and unequivocal 1H and 13C NMR assignments of natural and synthetic products.

  • Wilson Roberto Cunha

    PhD in Chemistry at FFCLRP, University of São Paulo - USP

    PhD in Chemistry at FFCLRP – University of São Paulo – USP in 1994 and held a post-doctoral internship at FCFRP – University of São Paulo – USP. Professor at University of Franca – UNIFRAN since 1994 and was the coordinator of the Science post-graduation Programme – University of Franca – UNIFAN between 2003-2007. Productivity in Research Grant CNPq. Develops research based on the vegetal origin natural products, working with isolation and identification of chemical components in vegetal species, and crude extract and isolated substances biological assays.